REP info

Oct. 11, 2021

Dear Parents,


We must make you aware of a town decision to change the facility to a REP facility. They will be doing a REP with youth exemption starting on October 19,2021.  Here are the changes it will mean as of October 19,2021:

  • There will be one entrance in to the building it has not been confirmed exactly which yet but signage will occur
  • There will be security at the entrance checking for vaccine proof of the negative covid test from within 72 hours
  • The participant only that is under 18 is exempt from showing
  • If a participant turns 18 they will then need to show
  • No other individuals ages 12 plus will be allowed to enter the building to assist or spectate unless they have proof of vaccination, negative covid test or exemption letter
  • All masking and distancing still required
  • There will not be limit of 1/3 capacity any longer so anyone who meets the above requirements can attend
  • From October 19th to October 24th proof of single vaccine is required as long as two week prior
  • From October 25th onward proof of both vaccines are required with the two week prior for effectiveness to be considered fully vaccinated.

Other facilities

  • Your manager can still update you on the other facilities as the year’s schedule goes forward
  • You are only required to follow the facility regulations that you are in

What we need from you:

I understand that this is a touchy subject for some and I do not like to and apologize for having to ask this question but we must know how many kids are not vaccinated or would not be attending or would be removing their child due to this. The reason for asking about the child themselves is some facilities this year may be REP without exemption which means everyone over 12 even the participant so I must know how many will be impacted. As to asking about the family I just need to know if there is ability for a vaccinated person to be with your child as a guardian for hockey times. For the sake of confidentiality I will be the one collecting the information so we can see how many would be impacted from each team. It is necessary for everyone to reach back.

  1. Please email Tina at or text to 780-603-1351
  2. In your correspondence please let me know a few things-  Is the player vaccinated?
  • Is the parent vaccinated or do you have someone who the person in charge that is vaccinated that can attend with the player?

Thank you for your cooperation we are trying our best to allow the kids to still play this season.


Tina Warawa



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