Apr. 28, 2022

This is a reminder of the upcoming VDMHA AGM on May 4,2022 at 7:45pm, upstairs in the Wally Fedun Arena.
As always there will be the AGM followed by the installation/elections. Immediately we will open the process of putting your name forward for a position on the 2022/23 VDMHA Executive. The timeframe for sending your name in through email will close May 3,2022 at 6:00pm. Should you wish to put your name forward after that date you may still do so in person at the meeting however we encourage people to email prior to help expedite the process. Reminder for U7-U18 directors you must not have a child in that level. Below is a list of Executive position. Please follow the process to submit:
1. Email to
2. Subject line Executive 2022/23
3. List your full name
4. List the position you wish to put your name on
• Please note all emails received will get a return acknowledgement, if you do not receive an acknowledgement by May 3,2022 at 9:00pm please reach out to Tina by call or text to 780-603-1351
We strongly encourage you to be part of the 2022-23 Executive team
Executive positions
1. President
2. Vice president
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary
5. Registrar
6. League Liaison
7. Ice Assignor
8. Development Director
9. Coach Director
10. Equipment Director
11. U7 Director
12. U9 Director
13. U11 Director
14. U13 Director
15. U15 Director
16. U18 Director
17. Tournament and Travel Permit Coordinator
18. Fundraising Coordinator
19. Referee Assignor
20. Referee In Chief
21. Website Coordinator
22. Female Director
Thank you

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