
As some of you already know VDMHA is moving away from RAMP and switching our player registration over to TeamSnap. It is a large change from the RAMP system, but its what Hockey Canada is encouraging all associations to use as it ensures players are properly registered with their system. The new system is not too hard to follow but you will need your child's Hockey Canada ID number (you can find this on your ehockey profile or in your Respect in Parent ID program under profile - child management).

You will also need your child's birth certificate uploaded as well to complete the registration. If your respect in parent course is expired then this will need to be redone before you register. If you are registering a child who has not played hockey before you will need to ensure that you have the respect in parent course and add your child to your profile using the association name Vegreville & District Minor Hockey Association. Children without a Hockey Canada ID number will be unable to register. 

If you are not a resident of Vegreville or your player is not permanent property of VDMHA and you've previously played here on a Player Movement Form you will need to send your current Player Movement Form to the VDMHA registrar ( before you register. Once this form is received and the player transfer has gone through you will be able to register online. 

2024/25 Registration link:

2024/25 Pond hockey registration link:


New to hockey? Creating a new HCR with Hockey Canada: click here

How to find your Hockey Canada ID: click here

Respect in Sport- Parents: click here



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